What an honour to be mentioned by Dr. Rubenstein, both of us “debunking one of the biggest and most damaging hoaxes in Canadian history.”

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Great article Jim. Thank you

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Old White Stock Canadians are not genocidal and should never have been labelled and passed in parliament stating this as truth! These same men and women fought and died during WW2 against a genocidal maniac only for their children to be labelled genocidal, where is the justice in that? When is this injustice going to be addressed if at all? Shame on this Canadian parliament for allowing this to pass as the truth, without a full Justice inquiry into accusations before our great Nation!

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Thank you, Jim for the truth. You are far from being the only one to be ostracised for speaking the true facts. We all witnessed the unnecessary and unfair treatment Senator Lynn Beyak endured from the Conservative Leadership. This was a wrongheaded condemnation for her bravely speaking out against Government sponsored falsehoods. Many other Canadians have been treated in like manner because Canada's "freedom of speech" is no longer allowed by Canada's Judiciary. Judges are Political. Jordon Peterson's very expensive efforts to protect our "Free Speech " as written in Diefenbaker's Canadian Bill of Rights ( August 10 1960) is a prime example of Canadian Judicial Tyranny.

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That the assistant superintendent does not know the difference between contributed and attributed , whereas the writing teacher does , speaks volumes about the educational status of those leading this ridiculous postmodernist evisceration of all that is best in western civilization. A cultural genocide, indeed.

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Excellent article. Will the ‘truth’ ever be told?

When will the so called, missing bodies , be exhumed ?

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I also believe that more Canadians need to read the book ‘Grave Error’ - How the media misled us (And the truth about Residential schools)

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Who is the author of the last paragraph beginning with ‘My natural allegiance’?

It seems to be written by Jim, but this paragraph refers to ‘the Surrey’ teacher. I found the article a challenge to follow as authors seem to change.

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"There is nothing wrong with the teaching of either me or the Surrey high school teacher as long as we are not steering students toward belief."

Oh, dear Lord. That is just so hopelessly wrong. Where to even begin? Or maybe better, as I've heard George Santayana once remarked at a thesis examination in response to a BS claim of the examinee: "That's not right; it's not even wrong!" The question is, what on God's green earth, Jim, do you think the words that you wrote there mean?? (I would then want to ask you if you *believe* the claim you have made here, but the claim seems so utterly nonsensical that the latter question wouldn't really make sense either -- one can assert nonsense, but not properly speaking believe it.)

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