Basically, this story has slandered all Canadians. But it must be causing incredible harm to those who worked at the schools and their families. They are essentially being equated to the guards at Dachau and Auschwitz. It has created a stain on their families that will not be erased for generations.

They are the people who are owed an apology.

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The Perpetrators of this despicable falsehood MUST be held to account to mittagate as much as possible the almost irreparable damage to Canada's reputation and race relations in this country. This is no trifling matter givin the damage it has caused and continues to cause as the false narrative not only still persists but is even taught and supported by our school system as well as politcians, media and activists). The first word in "Truth and Reconsileation " is "Truth". Without "Truth" there can never be much needed "Reconsileation " as evidenced by the hate, arson and vandalism this henious lie spawned May 27, 2021.

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The Kamloops band has admitted that only “anomalies” and not “remains”. However, that is a one time admission to protect themselves. They will now go back to claiming that “remains”, “graves” “bodies” or whatever terms they feel will generate the most emotion. Trudeau has continued to use “unmarked graves” without even mentioning that only anomalies were found. Expect the Kamloops band to keep up the deception, with the full cooperation of the ideological Trudeau Liberals. It suits the agenda of both. This entire weird episode in Canadian history only happened because the Trudeau government poured gasoline on a baseless and deeply anti-Catholic claim

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GIESBRECHT: This entire weird episode in Canadian history only happened because the Trudeau government poured gasoline on a baseless and deeply anti-Catholic claim.

TO THE CONTRARY: This weird episode happened because individual Canadians, especially lawyers, who know damn well that it is illegal to make false claims, and obtain money based on said false claims, are too damn lazy to go to their local Police detachment and write a complaint about liars and fraud artists who have fabricated evidence, contrary to Sect. 137 of Canada's Criminal Code, in order to defraud the Canadian public, contrary to Sect. 380 of Canada's Criminal Code. So until you can supply anyone who cares with a copy of your complaint to the police about this fraud, Giesbrecht, then you should be quiet. This is all YOUR FAULT and the fault of the rest of the lawyers in your Indian Residential Scholars bogus "research" group!

I made my complaint to the police (Airdrie RCMP) immediately prior to the July, 2021 long weekend. My Roman Catholic Canon Law indictment of Sinclair, Wilson and Littlechild was sent to the Archdiocese of Edmonton on Tuesday July 19th, 2022, but was never given a file number. They won't even talk to one of their own Bishops, to wit, Fred Henry, let alone to Hymie or myself. They (Canadian Bishops) were cowards about the known sexual abuse of Canadian and American youngsters and remain cowards on this particular "file" as well. You, Giesbrecht, are no better than they are, especially since you have the legal "chops" to actually determine whether or not people are colluding [fabricating or suppressing evidence] in order to commit fraud --- which makes you actually worse than our legally ignorant Canadian Bishops/Archbishops.

I have long held that Nuremberg ought to have featured German Bishops, professors, lawyers and policemen in the docket, whereas the Nazis ought to have received military courts-martial and then been shot upon conviction for breaches of the Geneva Convention. In sum, the wrong German people were tried at Nuremburg for the rise of National Socialism. People like you, Giesbrecht [You even have the right sort of German name!] were responsible for Hitlerism. And people like you, Giesbrecht, are similarly responsible for this particular fraud on Canada --- which might be called Sinclairism! As you legalists have said:- Fraud unravels all.


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Good points.

I do believe about a dozen lawyers were charged at Nuremberg, but it should have been far more. The distortion of the legal system was fundamental to Hitler's rise to absolute power and there appeared to be little legal opposition.

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Do you know where they got the “ some were as young as three years old” point? It is a really specific claim.

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From the same place as the rest of the fabrication was derived from. nothing.

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That is what I recognized as not possible when I first read the story. I knew that it was not possible by any stretch of the imagination that GPR could not detect the age of a buried body.

The more interesting question is why did the government, with all of its expert resources, not pick up on this?

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Because the government at all levels in BC is in thrall to indigenous exceptionalism. My first reaction when I read just the headline of this post was to say a really bad word. It is absolutely unconscionable for the government to do this to its citizens, at all levels.

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Slight double negative error. I meant 'not possible that GPR could detect the age of a buried body'.

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From the rib bone which "disappeared", if memory serves.


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Excellent questions. Interesting that the band's press release refers to ways of knowing, which are subjective but now treated increasingly as fact. The UN is promoting this. Watch James Lindsay's videos on Robert Muller's contributions to the UN at New Discourses. Maurice Strong was also a contributor. Muller was a Theosophist; Strong may have been as well.

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1of 2:

ROBERT ANGUS (wrote): Good points. I do believe about a dozen lawyers were charged at Nuremberg, but it should have been far more. The distortion of the legal system was fundamental to Hitler's rise to absolute power and there appeared to be little legal opposition.

REPLY: It ought to have been more Bishops than professors and more professors than lawyers because professors teach lawyers. There was no distortion of the legal system in Germany. There was a distortion in the bogusly "democratic" law making political system, which is arguably what you meant. But everything that Hitler and his cronies did, after he was gaoled for the Munich Beer Hall "putsch", was done both democratically and legally, although Brown Shirt intimidation arguably had much to do with the "democratic" results and the unjust laws which followed.

You cannot "distort" legal systems, except for the law making aspect which is primarily political. As I've said to more people, with more legal power than you, our legal system, in terms of "Courts", as well as all other Court systems, is absolutely perfect. They are perfect logic machines with no moving parts, given that the past tense is also known as the PERFECT tense. No one can change the past for either better or worse. That is one aspect of perfection. Perfect things don't change.

But the perfection of Court systems, also features perfect CONTRARIES, which are perfect logical opposites. There is the perfectly JUST judgment as logically opposed to the perfectly UNJUST judgment. That is the business of legal judges, such as Brian Giesbrecht and/or Murray Sinclair. That is what Courts are designed to do --- feature those contrary opposites in terms of judgements. It is also why we still have Court Records such as the trial of Socrates as immortalized by Plato, or Christ's trial, or Joan of Arc's trial. They were so obviously unjust that they are remembered. There is not one aspiring lawyer in the world who "thinks", as a student or neophyte lawyer, that he or she would convict someone like either Socrates or Christ if they were tried in some modern Court where he or she was the judge. Wanna bet?

The second set of perfect CONTRARIES at Court are PERFECTLY RATIONAL legal arguments, backed up by legal statutes, and on the contrary, PERFECTLY IRRATIONAL legal arguments, with no statute backup what-so-ever. Those arguments are, usually, the business of lawyers.

And the final set of CONTRARIES are the TRUTH (whole truth and nothing but the truth) of corroborated, or at least corroborable, witness statements and, on the contrary, the FALSITY of their logically opposed witness statements. There are 3 sorts of witnesses. 1. Direct party eye witnesses (those who are named on any Style of Cause as either Plaintiff or Defendant), 2. Indirect Party or so-called 3rd Party eye witnesses (upon whom direct parties rely for corroboration or refutation) and 3. Expert witnesses who interpret the meaning of specialized evidence for the Court. In short TRUE and FALSE statements of many varieties are the 3rd set of PERFECT CONTRARIES leading to a Court Judgment.

I say "leading to a Court Judgment" because the way that lawyers (usually) integrate their RATIONAL LEGAL arguments with the allegedly TRUE witness statements, which they choose to integrate with their arguments, result in judgments, according to old school Aristotelian logic, to wit: 1 Major Premise; 2. Minor Premise = 3. Conclusion.

In Court cases, the major premises are Statutes, also known as Questions of Law. The minor premises are called Questions or Matters of fact. They are the 2 factors which constitute legal judgments. We know from above that there are at least 2 alternatives of CONTRARY varieties in any given law case. Two factors with at least 2 alternatives gives you 4 possible kinds of legal judgments [2 factors X 2 alternatives = 4 kinds of judgments].

The logic of 2 factors with at least 2 alternatives holds in simple genetics as well. Think Gregor Mendel's pea garden. The 2 factors were 1. The shape of the pea and 2. The colour of the pea. The 2 alternatives were smooth vs. wrinkled for the pea-shape and green vs yellow for the colour. Thus 4 kinds of peas, to wit: 1. Smooth and Green; 2. Wrinkled and Green; 3. Smooth and Yellow; and, finally, 4. Wrinkled and Yellow. Similarly with Court cases, which do not come in shapes or colours.

1. The first type of legal Judgment consists of the integration of a 1. RATIONAL ARGUMENT backed by a STATUTE integrated with a 2. TRUE (corroborated or corroborable) witness statement which forms a JUDGMENT in the mind of both the presenting lawyer and the lawyer on the Bench. That judgment (for both of them) is, at least, in accordance with the law, given that there is no such thing as a "false" statute and false witness statements are illegal. But there are such things as UNJUST LAWS, which is what you may have referred to as being the "distortion of the legal system" above. In the case of JUST laws, a perfectly just judgment follows from a Statute backed argument integrated with a true corroborated/corroborable witness statement.

2. The absolutely CONTRARY JUDGMENT to the just judgment (or at least a judgment in accordance with the rule of law, which may feature unjust laws as in Nazi Germany), features the integration of an IRRATIONAL ARGUMENT (with no statute back up) with a FALSE witness statement, which forms an ABSURD (or doubly false) judgment in any mind that knows the law or has any "idea" about facts. Neither lawyers, nor judges, even "remotely" consider such judgments unless ....

There are two other judgments to consider which fall between the just judgment and the absurd judgment.

3. The RATIONAL ARGUMENT, backed up by a Statute, integrated with a FALSE witness statement or statements, which forms a FALSE judgment in the minds of both the presenter of such an argument and the Court Judge/Justice.

4. Finally there is the IRRATIONAL ARGUMENT, without a Statute "back-up", integrated with a TRUE, but irrelevant, witness statement, which forms an IRRATIONAL judgment in the mind of the Court Judge/Justice.

Lawyers and Judges have no difficulty in picking the (1) just judgment, over the (2) absurd judgment, every time. But they also have no difficulty in picking the (3) false judgment or the (4) irrational judgment over the (2) absurd judgment, any time. And choosing the false or irrational judgments, in sequence, sometimes leads to that third choice of an absurd judgment, given the "panic" some people develop when they notice that they have already made 2 unjust (false; irrational) judgments. [Continued in part 2]


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Part 2 of 2

You may not see the "controlled panic" of a lawyer, such as Kimberly Murray, who was the Executive Director of the truth and reconciliation commission between 2010 and 2015. But it's there. She is lobbying for a Statute to make residential school denialism "illegal" because of the false statements of both Roseanne Casimir and Murray Sinclair about, respectively, discovering "remains" (Casimir in writing) or "bodies" (Sinclair on CBC video) at Kamloops AND the irrational argument that GPR anomalies signify "unmarked graves". The entire truth and reconciliation commission had a list of cemeteries with unmarked graves in those cemeteries as of 2015 courtesy of Dr. Scott Hamilton of Lakehead University's report entitled "Where are the Children Buried?" And judges, like Sinclair, only trust expert witnesses, like Dr. Scott Hamilton, whereas they only "half trust" lawyers and are in utter contempt of the statements of any litigant or 3rd party witness.

Hamilton "misinformed" Sinclair, Littlechild, Wilson, Murray and, arguably, Donald Worme, Q.C. of the TRC that there was a "cemetery" at the Kamloops IRS, in 2015, where, quote

HAMILTON: Online research has not yet revealed the cemetery at the latter school [page 15, 1st Paragraph, bottom].

So when Sarah Beaulieu found some GPR anomalies in the apple orchard, 6 years later in 2021, those GPR anomalies "revealed" the cemetery that Scott Hamilton's satellite images of the Kamloops School did not "reveal" at the time of his report. Anomalies in a PRESUMED CEMETERY mean "remains" (Casimir) or "bodies" (Sinclair) because such anomalies mean graves, provided that there was an actual cemetery at the Kamloops residential school.

But there never was a cemetery at the Kamloops residential school because the Secwepemc cemetery was across from St. Joes Church about 1.5 miles away from the school. There certainly were cemeteries at Cowessess (June 24, 2021) and St. Eugene's (June 30, 2021) which were the 2nd and 3rd "discoveries" of unmarked graves, also mentioned on page 15, paragraph 1., of Hamilton's report. But Sinclair and Casimir "screwed up" about the Kamloops school having a nearby cemetery. The cemeteries were always closer to the Churches than to the schools --- though in most cases all 3 things (Church, Cemetery and School) were close together. Kamloops was the exception which proves the rule that GPR anomalies do not mean graves unless one is scanning a cemetery. That Kamloops exception caught Murray Sinclair in his video taped lie about BODIES discovered at Kamloops, when he knew full well, courtesy of Hamilton's Report, that GPR anomalies do not signify "bodies/remains" unless they are "ground truthed" with excavations.

The original TRC members have been "panicking" ever since Sinclair's lie on public television. Littlechild began lobbying Edmonton's Archbishop Smith for a papal acknowledgement of "genocide" even before Sinclair's "goof" on television. He also seemed "panicked" in his June 3rd, 2021 testimony to INAN where Sinclair accused the RCMP of "intimidating" Beaulieu, post a phone call he (Sinclair) received from Kamloops. Their friendship [Smith and Littlechild] is why the Pope made his apology from Maskwacis, which is Littechild's home base. Worme was detached to Kamloops to control the information "flow" after Casimir's and Sinclair's corroborating FALSEHOODS of bodies/remains. Then Murray began lobbying for a law to make "denialism" illegal. They are all panicking in the nice superficially "calm" panic of lawyers who've been caught trying to "beat" a perfect system.

The only way that they can actually "beat the system", now, is for allegedly "good" men, like Hymie Rubenstein, Brian Giesbrecht and all the rest of the so-called IRS Research Group to DO NOTHING, other than to blame the "ideological Trudeau Liberals" for Sinclair's crime of fabricating evidence no incitement to commit perjury [Contrary to Sect. 137. CCC]. There is nothing stopping Giesbrecht et alia from joining Frances Widdowson as "amici" in her King's Bench Alberta Law case involving the UofL allegedly violating her "freedom of expression" case. It is King's Bench Action #2301-09854. After all, everytime the "woke" crowd sues anybody or anybody "woke" is sued, the "woke intervenors" are all over such cases. It's about time that anti-woke folks support their friends at Court. What do you think, Giesbrecht???


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