This is one of the first times I have seen the Trudeau/Chretien attempt to eliminate the Indian Act in 1969 raised lately. I watched it on CBCTV live and it was very very apparent that the chiefs sitting around the table were not interested in losing any power that the Indian Act at that time gave them (and still does). Until/unless indigenous take responsibility for sorting themselves out wrt their governance, especially when the govt asks them so to do, no serious progress in their situations will result. No matter how many billions is spent.

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It would help if the governments at both the federal and provincial level would stop this "reconciliation" nonsense and all that that entails. As an example, Eby gave Haida Gwaii to the Haida lock, stock and barrel. Far in advance of sorting anything out for existing fee simple owners and with federal and provincial responsibilities for administering ocean and land-based resources. Just gave it to them. It would help if Jody's practice directive were reversed and the river of taxpayer gold stopped. It would help if the provincial and federal judiciary would stop interpreting (or misinterpreting) treaties and ruling in favour of plaintiffs. It would help if Gladue reports stopped and the concomitant race-based legal system. Until one or all or any of those things stops there will be no change.

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Too many people PRETENDING to care about indigenous issues. Where's their outrage that women and kids on reservations are sexually assaulted at 10X the national average by indigenous men? Women are threatened by chief and council with banishment from the community if they report. EVERY POLITICIAN KNOWS ABOUT IT. No wonder we have so many MMIWG! If EVERY CHILD MATTERS, why don't these kids? https://www.aptnnews(dot)ca/national-news/treaty-3-sex-assault-epidemic-investigation/

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One of a few elephants in the room that won't/can't be spoken about for sure. I have yet to understand why so many white middle-aged women have jumped on the "pretending to care about indigenous issues" bandwagon. I suppose it's part of the same phenomenon where the same demographic protests in support of the trans movement, in all its various incarnations. Maybe it's as simple as retired women wanting/needing something to do. I don't know. It's disturbing though. Their zealotry and unwillingness to confront facts is disturbing and distressing. These elephants in the room that are never addressed absolutely prevent any change from occurring, because to change would mean confronting extremely inconvenient truths and stopping the cycle of blaming everyone else instead of accepting responsibility.

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Very true but, as long as these people are convinced they are victims instead of being told they are strong, mighty people capable of steering the course of their own lives, they will remain in the clutches of the "industry" using them for profits. I can think of nothing so cruel to do to another human being.

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The interesting thing is that Indigenous people are outwardly (i.e. vocally) rejecting the victim label because they don’t like that image, while they continue to position themselves as victims because of the political and financial advantages it confers. It’s become pretty much a cliché now for them to assert, at every opportunity, that they are “a strong and resilient people.” The cognitive dissonance of this stance is so obvious that it leads to some strange rhetoric on the part of Indigenous leaders and activists, who have to try to talk around it. Perhaps the dumbest slogan going is the old “We’re Still Here!” You hear that crowed by even the most down-and-out on the DTES.

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Trying to persuade indoctrinated white women over the past 30 years to see the reality of what is happening today on reserves, while white lawyers are getting filthy rich like so many Chiefs, Family Members and Council Members is an impossible task as long as dishonest government officials do not fulfill their responsibilities. All Canadians should be treated equally, without any special interest groups exploiting Canadian taxpayers. The next millennia will continue until we say enough is enough! Injustice like violence, drugs, rapes, and child abuse will continue on reserves if those in power cancel anyone that complains while labelling white people as Racists! This Left Wing Woke Mentality must be addressed today, enough lives have been destroyed as they have no one to help them survive! How can any government turn a blind eye and think we live in a just society while feeling good about themselves?

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