In 1965 Pierre Berton’s “The Comfortable Pew” exposed the hollowness of church attendance at the time. People simply pretended to believe things because it was comfortable to do so. That is where we are at with the secret burial claims. Our politicians, journalists, church leaders - and many of our lazy fellow citizens - pretend to believe the claims, because acknowledging the truth would be extremely “uncomfortable”

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I imagine there is an element of that uncomfortableness, but it's certainly grown more zealous. If you look at the NCTR Facebook page most of the comment posters there are white middle-aged women who fancy themselves to be this newfangled "ally" thing. I am not sure what drives that.

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Well it’s actually in my town. And yes it Is uncomfortable because meant children were abused and died and lost their families.

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So you believe it is true?. or am I miss reading you?.. Why don't they do an RCMP crime site dig?.. Its what they do for other "Mass Grave " sites. If they suspect criminality.

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Should Pierre Polieve become the next PM and doesn’t get to the bottom of this hoax then he is just as accountable to labelling Canadians as genocidal which is a total insult to every Canadian that died during WW2 fighting against Nazi Genocidal Crimes against humanity!

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I wonder if they have taken that ground penetrating radar to an actual grave yard and done some baseline tests, for a variety of different aged real grave sites?

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Wow this is in my town, have not heard it’s a hoax.

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