Sep 25Liked by Hymie Rubenstein

I tried to post this to FB. It was deleted immediately, and I have been threatened with restriction of my account. The government, I suspect is working hand in hand with FB to ensure nothing contrary to their narrative gets out on social media. I suspect it is because the residential schools edifice as proposed by the government has feet of clay built on a foundation of sand. It will not withstand direct scrutiny.

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Since last year, FB won’t let me buy ads on its site, presumably because some activists complained about the contents of my posts.

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Say you will about the activists, they are very good at media manipulation.

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I would be surprised to find out that FB is working with the government, considering Meta gave JT the big middle finger when it came to paying the Canadian federal government extortion payments. Those two things don't go together, government influence and FB, in Canada. I of course stand to be corrected.

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After hearing that CTV blatantly put several clips together to create a sound bite that was detrimental to Poilievre, Trudeau stated that it was undemocratic to question the media.

So much for Trudeaus agonizing about mis/dis information. As you stated, they do not want the truth, nor apparently does CTV.

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They do not want truth and justice to be revealed as there is no monetary gain, no votes and makes the NDP look like a bunch of anti-white racists! Divide and conquer mandates as set forth by Trudeau and the present-day government throwing billions upon billions towards unproven facts!

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