Brilliant speech - applies to Canada as well.

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One of many astute observations by the Senator. I paraphrase: By constitutionalizing the Voice, you enshrine in perpetuity the opportunity for the Aboriginal Industry to continue the victim narrative that does nothing for the ordinary Indigenous citizen on the reserve or among the marginalized anywhere in the country. Something similar has already been done in Canada by federal support for the AFN.

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What a "shock". A politician who actually answers questions, with great answers. e.g.

QUESTION: 59:58 ... I have talked to indigenous people and I'm (59:04) sure others have too, who talk about generations of trauma among indigenous Australians as a result of (59:09) colonization. Whether that means that colonization continues now, this is probably a separate question. But would (59:15) you accept that there have been generations of trauma as a result of that history?

SENATOR: Well I guess that would mean that those (59:21) of us whose ancestors were dispossessed of their own country and brought here in chains as convicts are also suffering from intergenerational trauma. So I (59:28) should be doubly suffering from intergenerational (trauma; drowned out by laughter and applause; since she is an English-Settler/convict-Australian-aboriginal "metis").

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