Eby adopts the same well meaning, but dim-witted, thought process that our Supreme Court employed in Delgamuukw and subsequent cases. Indians were not treated fairly, so they would fix the problem. Except that “fixing the problem” is the job of elected representatives and not unelected judges. BC is Exhibit A in a case that is going to get a lot worse. Once aboriginal title Indians get what they want, treaty Indians will demand the same. Once they get what they want Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes will not be spared.

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do you really think Eby is "well meaning"? I think he's at best feathering his lawyer nest for post-political work, and at worst, unhinged. He reminds me of Miller, who is similarly unhinged.

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I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, Eby is not a one-off. You mention Miller as someone who thinks like Eby. There are many more, including the PM - and some of our SC judges. I don’t understand their thinking, but yes - I think they mean well. The fellow who introduced rabbits into Australia thought he was doing a good thing.

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Rustad understands he will war with Indigenous over their dishonest ask. B.C. must start the war by voting in Rustad.

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I hope Rustad can prevail in the next election but judging from the attack ads put out by the NDP and a selection of responses (i.e., believing everything that is said without fact checking) I am not 100 percent confident that a political upheaval in BC will occur. Even if it did, there is no assurance that Rustad et al. would have the cojones to put the brakes on the NDP BCDRIP nonsense. The BC chiefs federation or whatever they're called isn't supporting him so he must have given some inkling that things are gonna change to their dissatisfaction. The future in BC is looking completely frightening. I fear for my children and grandchildren unless some sanity prevails.

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What kind of drugs are they using in BC nowadays? Seems to be pretty potent as they must be asleep at the wheel… so sad! WTF up people!!!

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