Sep 10·edited Sep 10

And if the extremist left NDP establishes this veto power of Indians, it will bring all or most mining, oil and gas, logging, land-based recreational , agricultural development to a grinding halt. Say good bye to thousands of jobs and most natural resource revenue that funds various government social programs. It is already bad enough in BC to get any resource development project up and running, with the aboriginal consultation and accommodation requirements. If the Indians are given veto power, we will see a significant exodus of investors and companies.

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Well said, and that is the very real fear many BC folks have.

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Whatever happened to the concept of Crown (or Public) Land whereby all land not legally under private ownership is publicly owned under the control and administration of the government on behalf of all citizens (no matter when they arrived). This is a perfectly logical and fair way of dealing with a nation's lands. Isn't this the understanding recognized in our constitution?  The notion that a tiny ethnic minority of citizens should have a special right to decide what happens on ALL the lands is beyond ABSURD.

If the general public were fully aware of the BC NDP's lunatic views on this it would NEVER again be voted into office.

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Yesterday in the Globe and Mail, Kent McNeil (emeritus, U of T law) attempted to “reconcile Aboriginal title with private property rights” by declaring,

<< Dispossessing the current beneficiaries of government land grants would not be just, especially when the land has passed through numerous innocent hands. Instead, compensation should be paid to the Indigenous nations concerned. . . . When land has been unlawfully taken and cannot be returned, the case for compensation is even stronger. Moreover, compensation for the past taking of Indigenous lands is mandated by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples . . . >>

Yeah, man. Compensation should always be paid, now and forever, Amen. That’s the nudge-nudge-wink-wink behind the slogan “Land Back.”

https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-how-can-canada-reconcile-aboriginal-title-and-the-rights-of-people/ Sept 9, 2024. More than 160 comments so far. Not seeing too many in agreement with Prof. McNeil.

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The NDP supported Trudeau’s mandates now Aboriginals will forever be a minority vs Islamic immigration over the past 10 years! Way to go vote NDP again and see what else is in store for you all…

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