Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Genocide has not been committed by the Canadian government or the people of Canada against the indigenous population of Canada.

The reality is that it is indigenous men who are responsible for some 90% of all indigenous women and girls murders and missing reports. The truth is decades ago the RCMP did a number of comprehensive reports which exposed this truth that it was the indigenous own that were responsible for the vast majority of their missing and murdered women but Canada's indigenous groups could not accept the truth and put incredible effort into getting those reports labeled racist.

Further evidence of the truth is contained in more than four decades of police and Juristat reports that demonstrate it is the indigenous own people who are responsible for these deaths.

I suggest everyone read or view Lorne Gunter’s: Indigenous female murder stats clash with 'woke' narrative. It summarizes the work that was done by Statistics Canada in regard to this which the truth that it is no other group then the indigenous own people who are responsible for the vast majority of these murders..

The reality is that there simply is no money in taking responsibility for what your own people have done when you can put forth an embellishment and falsified narrative in an effort to extract monetary and political gain from the people of Canada.

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Mr. Rubenstein's article is short but accurate. Any reasonable person, upon study and reflection, will at once ,reject the idea that Canada is in any way genocidal. Why T.E. thinks it's 'disgusting' is beyond me.

One other area that I believe is ridiculous is the notion (or practice) that the Indigenous citizens in the country should be treated as a 'nation' . The Indians scattered across Canada never were ,are not now and never will be a 'nation' . How 5% of the population scattered across the land in five or six hundred

settlements could ever be considered a nation is beyond reason anywhere on the planet.

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The death by infectious diseases occurred throughout the Americas. It was no worse in Canada than the US, Mexico, etc.

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As a direct witness to violence directed towards females in a northern reservation near Slave Lake in the early 70s when I was 19 years old. I can testify that is was absolutely shocking to find a young woman in her early 20s cowering under a car hiding from her husband who was drunk and aiming to kill her.

For what?

An outlet to his drunken rage.

No one was there to help her.

She slept in my bed for one night saying she was already now. He is sober again.

She said that night, "He will not touch you because you are white."

The Teachrige was inhabited by 3 older women who flew in from Scotland. They did not mix at all with anyone in the community. As well, I found the community of Cree and Metis, kind, generous to a fault, funny and very clever. Their chief at the time was syphoning off government funds for him and his friends to 'drink it up.'

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Disgusting piece.

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In what way and by whom? Me or Gerry Chidiac?

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Support your argument with facts and data Travis. If you cannot then you, like many ill-informed people in this country; (albeit inadvertently), are complicit in the denial and its subsequent failure to address the root cause of the tragedy of MMIWG which is only getting worse thanks to that denial of the truth.

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Shut your mouth genocide denialist pig.

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