One correction: It is not accurate to say that 1/3 of indigenous children attended residential schools. It is accurate to state that 1/3 of status Indian children attended residential schools. “Indigenous” includes Métis, non-status etc. Thus, the fraction of indigenous attending was more like 1/5. Although some Métis found their way into residential schools, federal policy was to deny them admission. The federal government always insisted that Métis were the responsibility of the provinces

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Thanks for correcting an assertion I keep wrongly making.

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I found an account where my father & his brothers were listed as halfbreeds and Dept.of Indian Affairs wanted them removed. In a subsequent letter they went on to say that halfbreeds should not be allowed in residential schools as the schools were meant for status Indians only. The school referred to is Onion Lake R.C. The children were allowed by the school to stay until other arrangements were made but not what arrangements.

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There can be no Reconciliation without Truth!

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The full court press surrounding this 'holiday' reminds me of the propaganda efforts connected with Covid, Climate & Renewable energy. Despite logic, evidence & sincere questioning, the non-believers get shouted down, denigrated & soon may be sent to the gulag. My feeling is the Native leaders jumped the shark with the murdered children script. With zero evidence of murder/bodies and none forthcoming, there's a growing backlash developing.

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Passing this bill would open the doors for Denialists to challenge the accusations of genocide and abuse with enough evidence in a court of law for the world to seek the truth under the laws as set forth within the justice system would it not? It is known that a number of individuals have lied about abuse without proof and has been awarded millions in compensation that maybe brought into a court of law to substantiate this travesty if at all possible! Accusations are words, and must be proven for justice to be seen in Canadian courts!

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