From thestar story (the "Indian Industry" link):

"But nearly everyone from Watts to Swain to the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations to the elders of some of the most troubled communities in the country say the greatest barrier to real change is that the average Canadian doesn’t care about the situation on reserves."

Bullshit, am I right? I'm not average, fine, but I care, and I think most people do, don't they? But what can I do? Care more? If only more people care more, the outrageously bombastic lies, the perverse incentives, the entrenched corruption of the existing system will just right itself?

And Giesbrecht's anodyne conclusion: "And a time to move forward."

Hymie's right: satirical-cum-cynical. Let's just move forward and forget about this unpleasant little episode -- as if the mysterium iniquitatis isn't a real and dark force, alive and unwell, actively at work in the world.

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Happy Canada Day Hymie and everyone!

Our big Canadian flag is up on a pole attached to our front fence, and there's just enough breeze to unfurl it nicely for all passers-by to see.

Today's print edition of the Globe and Mail has NOT EVEN A MENTION of Canada Day on its front page. Nothing. Instead there's a photo from Toronto's Pride parade with a large caption "Celebrating Pride," with a further Pride story inside. Nothing about Canada Day until you get to the editorial pages.

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